Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

Case Study Example There are a number of products and approaches for acquiring systems, starting from ‘in house development’ to ‘commercial off-the-shelf’ packages. At Power IT, the chief executive officer and finance director decided to purchase an ‘Enterprise Resource Solution’ to replace the ‘Material Resource Planning (MRPII). The Organization has its own internal IT system; however, the staffs are not capable enough to develop software at a large scale. The employees lack sufficient application domain knowledge which will enable them to develop such a system within the required timescale. Therefore, the company has decided to ‘buy in’ expertise, rather than putting large scale development into risk. After evaluating the level of required knowledge within the employees, the Organization has opted for ‘3rd party modified off-the shelf solution’ system. In this system, the software expertise and the application domain expertise ar e quite high. As the whole software includes large and complicated application; so surely, the ‘Third party modified off the shelf solution’ system is required to enjoy higher end of expertise in software development and in application domain of the same. A ‘Modified off the shelf’ product typically refers to a product or system whose source code can be modified by the purchaser to meet the requirements of the consumers (Information Leader, â€Å"Introduction†). â€Å"Many of these products feature modifiable or modular designs which increase flexibility, facilitate rapid prototyping of proof-of-concept designs, and are easy to install to insure quick start-up† (Cyber Research, â€Å"MOTS/ROTS Products†). By minimizing the requirement to develop new products from its scratch, the Organization can save on huge information technology expenses. However, to modify the codes as per the requirements of the consumers, demands some amount of ex pertise in this arena. This is why the

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