Friday, February 14, 2020

The effects of the 2008 financial crisis on the investment in the Gulf Essay

The effects of the 2008 financial crisis on the investment in the Gulf area especially on Qatar - Essay Example The high unemployment rate and the collapse of the financial institutions cumulatively limited the potential of individuals and corporations to invest. The Gulf Area experienced a period of oil-boom during the period between 2003 and 2008, a time when the economy grew by double figures. Qatar was a major distributor of oil in the world and the rising demand underpinned the increase in its sales during this period. The impact of this is that there was reduced unemployment, rise in economic class and the growth of the gross domestic product (Khamis, Senhadji, Hasan, & International Monetary Fund, 2010). On the other hand, the economic development resulted to increase in the public confidence and hence increased borrowing from monetary banks. The public’s incentive to invest and take advantage of the growing business opportunities led to the increase of loans from both public and private sector. As a result, the year 2007 marked the peak of economic debts in financial institutions. During this period also, the international monetary funds and the World Bank encouraged financial institutions to provide low interest loans for the local people to inspire investment (Siddiqi, 2013). The negative impact of this is that the potential to invest became much higher than the available business opportunities, leading to business failure. The global recession affected the world at large and this resulted to an adjustment of the world economic situation. The reduction in the value of local currencies resulted in the decline of the purchasing power. The impact that this had is that there was reduced economic exchange in the international business market. Qatar experienced a period of reduced demand for oil from western countries, which resulted to reduction into its national income. Consequently, the country experienced retarded economic growth, and the GDP

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sustainability plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sustainability plan - Essay Example Organizers of London Olympic games had put sustainability into their heart to ensure sufficient demonstration on how games can provide a chance to show case changes on how people live, perform their duties, building styles and business practice to the beneficial of a healthy life within the limit of resources available on earth. The London Olympic strategy was laid through a subdivision into groups, assigning each group with its own responsibility and managed by a committee. The committees were to execute over the raising of funds, planning infrastructural development and provision of legislation in governance to ensure that everybody from the United Kingdom at least benefited from the Olympic Games. Introduction London Olympic Games and the Paralympics games hosted in 2012were to be used beyond what is just done in sports, but to enable people around the world to develop a sense of friendship and to facilitate sharing of culture as an attempt of exposing diversity (Great Britain 200 7). The organizers based their strategies on economical, social and environmental sustainability. Other than the influence on sports, London Olympic Games organizers incorporated different authorities and assigned roles to ensure that playing of games was to create a perpetual legacy to all its citizens. A number of strategies were placed forward to ensure that games influenced all the communities residing in United Kingdom by creating job opportunities, enhancing business infrastructure and providing training in different areas to improve the life standards. However, these strategies were narrowed down to address the areas of climate change, waste disposal, biodiversity, infrastructure development and provision of health (Brebbia 2013). Biodiversity Biodiversity has become one of the major vital elements in sustenance of the environmental economy. It serves a basic duty of enhancing balance of the climate changes, ensures sustainable maintenance of the water catchment areas and emb races the available natural resources making them sufficient to support life and make it desirable (MacRury and Poynter 2009). The Olympic movement in the recent years has taken it as a priority to ensure that environment is made sustainable for all the inhabitants. The London Olympic 2012 organizers made it as a provision of maintaining the ecology by promoting the relevance of natural environment. With assistance of international sports centre and the United Kingdom, the Olympic organizers managed to improve different number of sites including the lower Lea valley. After the amendments of some laws to give way for improvements, the organizers thereafter developed most sites as a way of enhance diversity (MacRury and Poynter 2009). For instance, at Lea valley nature plant seeds were collected with a motive of sustaining indigenous plant species. Quite a number of reptiles who resided within the valley under natural circumstances were relocated to appropriate sites. The organizers a lso created artificial nests of some birds as a way of safeguarding species of birds like the kingfisher whose population were dwindling rapidly. Inclusion Inclusion involves the culture of breaking down