Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Impact of Diversity and Demographic Characteristics on...

Organizational diversity emphasizes achieving equality and opportunity in the work environment through the changing of organizational demographics. Diversity in the workplace emphasizes the appreciation of differences and creates an environment in which everyone feels valued and accepted, however it is individual behavior that determines the workplace environment. There are numerous types of diversity and demographic characteristics that impact on individual behavior. Values and attitude differences are a key driver of individual behavior. Values and attitude is how a person sees, relates to and acts in and out of the workplace. Psychologist Milton Rokeach has divided values into two categories, terminal values (the goals an individual†¦show more content†¦It has long been said that people fear that which they do not understand. This ignorance leads to the perpetuation of irrational beliefs and stereotyping. Employees may be treated less favorably because of their sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation. In recent years this irrational fear revolved around the notion that simply being in the same room with a homosexual employee would expose others to AIDS. Through education and employee focus groups companies have been able to dissuade most of these unfounded beliefs. Finally, the impact of diversity cannot be discussed without looking at the roll gender has played in the workforce over the last several decades. According to the EEOC, in Fiscal Year 2005, 23,094 charges of sex-based discrimination were filed. While studies and innumerable research tell us that there are very few differences between the performance of men and woman the myths persist. Women are perceived to have a higher absentee rate, be too emotional to function as managers, and less analytical in problem solving. It is a common misconception that many professional females got into positions of power by utilizing their flirting skills, and their sexuality to their advantage. Women were put on the backburner in the workplace for many yearsShow MoreRelatedHigh Performance Team Essay1157 Words   |  5 PagesIn this paper I will discuss how a team/group can become a high-performance team/group, examine the demographic characteristics and culture diversity and the impact on the t eam/group behavior. I will also describe how demographic characteristics and cultural diversity contribute to or detract from high-performance groups or teams. What is a team/group? A team/group is a group of people who form together to complete a mutual goal such as a presentation, paper, discussing a topic or creating aRead MoreHigh-Performance Teams1225 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract The purpose of this paper is to explain how a group can become a high-performance team. The purpose is also to examine the impact of demographic characteristics and cultural diversity on group behavior. This paper will illustrate how demographic characteristics and cultural diversity contribute to or detract from high-performance teams. High-Performance Teams A high-level of performance makes up the basis for groups and teams today. High-performance is a major focus for many organizationsRead MoreDemographic Characteristics and Cultural Diversity1392 Words   |  6 Pagesidentify that factors that impact the groups and team success is a valuable asset in order for groups and teams to become high performance groups and teams. Every group or team leader must be aware of the demographic characteristics and the cultural diversity of the team in order to become effective. Groups and Teams There are many factors that affect a teams performance; from leadership and communication, to demographic characteristics and cultural diversity. Each impacts the team in its own wayRead MoreDiversity And Demographic Characteristics Essay1172 Words   |  5 PagesDiversity and Demographic Characteristics Introduction Diversity relates to gender, age, language, ethnicity, cultural background, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief, including that people are different in other respects such as educational level, job function, socio-economic background, personality profile, marital status and whether or not one has family. Diversity and demographic differences can impact individual behavior by creating conflict in the workplace. The successRead MoreManaging Diversity in the Workplace Essay1140 Words   |  5 PagesManaging diversity and demographical changes in the workplace presents many dilemmas. Confronted with constant change, management, business educators, and organizational consultants continue to meet the challenges of a new and diverse workforce in a number of ways. Diversity can be defined in numerous ways. 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Leaders and members must also realize not only how to accomplish this but that some problems will and can arise from different demographic characteristics and cultural diversity. That is if one is in such a group, which the probability would be quite high. It is important that members of a group be knowledgeable and skillful in their positions, the degree to which those members can work harmoniouslyRead More Diversity Essay834 Words   |  4 PagesDiversity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Diversity can be defined as a situation that includes representation of multiple and ideally all groups within a prescribed environment, such as a workplace (University of Maryland, 2000). The success of an organization depends on the workforce of the organization. A workforce made up of diverse individuals from different backgrounds can bring the best talent to an organization. There are many types of diversity and demographic characteristics and each one has an impact on individualRead MoreDiversity Paper1117 Words   |  5 PagesDiversity Behavior is best defined as the unique behaviors, emotions and thought processes of an individual including the way that he or she interacts with others. While much of behavior may be thought to be innate, there are also external factors that can impact an individuals behavior. These factors have diversity and demographic characteristics; four of these factors will be discussed in this paper and the impact each has on individuals will be shown. Religion, personality traits, age andRead More Examining Four Types of Diversity Essay examples1024 Words   |  5 Pages While diversity is often a term used to refer specifically to cultural differences, diversity applies to all the qualities that make people different. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

College Is More Than Just Getting A Degree At Go Get A Job

Ethan Myers Paideia Assignment FYS Youth in Fiction and Film I think college is more than just getting a degree to go get a job. If that was the main reason for college, online colleges would be much more mainstream and accepted. College is just as much a way to get a career as it is a bridge to help you transition from childhood to adulthood. For many students, college is the first time you are really away from home. You no longer have your parents around all the time, making sure you get all your work done on time and keeping you on the straight and narrow. On the other side, adulthood has none of those safety nets. Don’t do the work and you get fired; don’t pay the bills and you’re hungry out on the street. College is the stepping stone from that time of your life you have everything taken care of for you, to when you have to take care of everything yourself. If you don’t show up to class and do your homework, no one is going to come up to you and tell you to shape up. I intend to get a lot done in my time here at Capital. I am currently studying Financial Econ, and I plan to also start working on a double major in accounting in the fall. I believe that being able to become a CPA after my time here at Capital is a good idea. People always need accountants, and being a CPA greatly increases my chances for employment out of grad school. I realize that double majoring is a tall task, even if it’s in the same field. I know I’m going to have to work hard to make sure I getShow MoreRelatedBenefits of a College Degree Essay1411 Words   |  6 Pagesstudents have to make is whether to go to college or not. There are many factors that go into one’s decision. There are pros and cons to going to college and also there are pros and cons for not going to college. But the decision that will give someone the better opportunity to have a more successful life is to go to college. The money that one will earn after getting a college degree will be more than the money a person will make without getting a college degree. As our society has continued to evolveRead MoreGraduation Speech : High School Diploma1393 Words   |  6 Pagesyear just in the United States. That is a student ever 26 seconds or you could think of it like 7,000 students a day. A student that gets a high school diploma but does not go to college is going to be doing better than students that drop out. The majority of jobs will not hire you if you don t simply have a high school diploma. The income of college degrees, what work expects from people, and how it all relates to high school is important in todays society. If you plan on going to college youRead MoreGraduation Speech : High School918 Words   |  4 Pagesof their time in school and accrue debt that will take years to pay off? People in general go to college to better themselves and accomplish what one wants out of life. What’s better way for a person to live life and experience it to the fullest than to do the dream job they want, or have a reserve of wealth that they can spend according to how they see fit? According to one’s parents or their teachers getting an education can indeed be the key to a higher quality of life, but obtaining a higher educationRead MoreCollege Education Doesn ´t Guarantee Success Essay921 Words   |  4 Pagesstruggle when they have a degree from a quality institution, while others can be successful without a college degree or in a field unrelated to their degree? In my opinion, it’s because a college education doesn’t guarantee success. Success is up to many other factors th at college often does not teach. I believe that certification tests would be a better replacement for the BA, because they would separate the students with the will and determination from those who are just coasting their way throughRead MoreCollege Essay : College Improves Life1200 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish II 24 June 2015 College Improves Life Did you know that the average amount of parties that a college student goes to in a year is 62? Probably not, it is not a common thing to know. I am sure that lots of people have read stories or watched movies where college kids just drink and party. Also, that they are just there to party and skip classes. That is not true though, in most cases, you go to college to learn things and to help get a job or go to a university. Going to college greatly improvesRead MoreWhy Is College Important For College?929 Words   |  4 Pagesis college important, College is a vital part of becoming secure in career with all the job positions available so many times it can be found that without a degree certain career opportunities may not be available. There are many more positive aspects of spending extra time going to college. College isn’t for everyone, yet it can be a very rewarding decision when career and skill sets are needed to make sure employers look for the proper candidates to fill jobs. Having a Bachelor’s degree inRead MoreCollege Is The Best For College Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pagesschool students who are just getting ready to graduate have two choices, either start working or go to college. Many of those students who want to go to college have to choose what college they want to go to. Deciding which college to go to can be a hard choice, since going to college is a big decision to make. Students know that going to college is going to be harder than high school. The atmosphere is different, and many students are on their own after they make that college choice. Being hundredsRead MoreCollege Is Not For Success1258 Words   |  6 Pages College has always been the ideal pathway to success, but with the recent low job turnout rate of college graduates, there has been success in technical studies that shoot students straight into well paying careers. There are numerous jobs that do not need higher education and still make a considerable amount of money. Success is the favorable or prosperous outcome of determination and aspirations. College has proven unnecessary to success, the job market is uncertain and with the competitivenessRead MoreEssay on Is College Worth our Time and Effort?874 Words   |  4 Pagescareers by holding various jobs in fields such as education, science, business, political, entertainment, and much more. However, there is one particular question that comes up when we look at those people holding jobs we aspire to have, â€Å"What did those people have to go through to get those jobs?† Those people probably earned a college degree to get their high-level job that requires years of learning and preparation to acquire, such as a doctor or a programmer. With colleges, students have a meansRead MoreLife After High School Essay1615 Words   |  7 Pagesof a college degree and the increasingly competitive job market have both added to the stress of this decision. The decision to go to college is one of th e most important choices of a student s life, and it can affect their careers and finances for the rest of their lives. These days, the rising cost of college is making students have to decide between the large sum of debt associated with a college degree or joining the workforce with a lower salary. Despite this fact, getting a college degree

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Book of the Dead Free Essays

Book of the Dead: The Singer of Amun Nany’s Funerary Procession The Book of the Dead is a textual and visual piece of art that focuses on the funerary aspects of ancient Egypt. One of the parts I liked best in the Book of the Dead at the Metropolitan Museum of Art was the scene of Nany and her passage to the afterlife. I am going to break down this section, and address the different characters and symbols, both formally and contextually. We will write a custom essay sample on Book of the Dead or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will describe not just what is seen on the surface, but the underlying meanings behind the Funerary Nany and how it relates to the traditions of ancient Egypt art and life. The Funerary Nany is written/painted on what I assume is a papyrus-like material. It is a light brown color and has a somewhat sandy/rough texture. In this funerary picture, not many colors are used. I’m not sure if colors faded or not, but it seems as if whoever painted it, purposely-used few colors. The primary color shown is green, perhaps to show importance. I’m assuming this because over the king’s shoulders in the bottom right section is a green garment, so I assume if that is important, all green shown in this picture is important, like the bird in the top register, and the human/animal (? in the bottom, middle register. I believe that figure to be king judging by the conventions of his throne and large hat. He is seated and has a staff, showing authority and power. Also, he appears to be slightly larger than the rest of the people on the bottom register, perhaps a convention to show rule. The only other color in this painting is red, seen on again what I assume is the king’s throne. There are slight shades of darker yellow/brown, but I don’t believe they have much meaning other than to separate people/objects from the background. Papyrus became an essential part of the funerary equipment and every Egyptian who could afford to acquire a copy was buried with it close at hand for use in the afterlife. † Thus, Nany’s Funerary was painted on papyrus. It is also why so many examples have survived and why so much has been learned about the Book of the Dead, which has been called the Bible of Ancient Egypt. The size of this entire piece is quite long. It appears to be about a foot tall but about twenty feet long. It looks like it is telling a story due to the way it is presented. For the entire piece, it alternates from paintings to texts (in probably hieroglyphics). Perhaps the texts describe the paintings presented to the viewer. That would make sense to me, almost like a storybook with pictures in it. And as it turns out, that is exactly what it is. Written on papyri and painted upon coffins in hieroglyphics, it was divided into chapters, each of which had its own title but no specific placement in the book. It was of the Theban Recension, a period in Egypt lasting from the eighteenth to twenty-second dynasty. This period focused around funerary stories. dbghghghh I am assuming that Nany is the woman with the bump in her â€Å"crown† on the top and bottom register. The woman is all the same person due to the way she is dressed and looks. The top register seems of less importance however, due to the scene presented and the size differentiation between the two registers. On the top, it looks as if Nany is walking along and coming across different obst acles or encounters of some kind. From the look of her hand gestures in the paintings it seems as if she is interacting with whatever these encounters are. The bottom register appears to be the last or most important encounter she faces. There is another woman next to her, perhaps an escort to the king. But in the middle is a scale of some type with two figures presented on each side. It is difficult to see what the two images are that are being measured. One side seems to be two people and the other a head. But I’m not quite sure. Or perhaps she is making a sacrifice in front of the king and he is determining whether her sacrifice is a worthy one or not, because all three of the people (including the animal-human creature) are looking at the king and he is looking at them†¦So perhaps there is a dialogue going on in some way. There are texts with each painting in this section, which may be a description of what is going on. It turns out I was somewhat right in my description of the scene and what the hieroglyphics might say. Nany is the woman the whole way through. She is actually making her final journey towards the afterlife. Carol and Faulkner’s book identifies the other characters and symbols and what they represent in Egyptian art and life. Much of the Book of the Dead revolves around Ani (an ancient Egyptian scribe) and his journey to the afterlife. The Ani procession is the largest, â€Å"most perfect,† and the best enlightened of all the papyri containing copies of the Theban Recension of the Book of the Dead. And when reading about it and observing the paintings, I noticed that much of it is the same, so I was able to compare the two stories. They are both weighing their hearts against the Maat, the goddess of justice and truth. Jackal-headed Anubis, one of the four sons of Horus, and overseer of mummification, adjusts the scales, while a baboon—symbolizing Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing—sits on the balance beam and prepares to write down the result. Nany must pass this test in order to move on to the afterlife. If not, her heart will be eaten. On the bottom register behind Nany is Isis, wife and sister of Osiris. She is identified by the hieroglyphics. These characters are all an important part of the way in which ancient Egyptians viewed death and the afterlife. Sitting right before Osiris is a foreleg of an ox. According to Wilkinson’s book, the foreleg of an Ox is almost invariably included in mortuary offering scenes where it appears in a list of offerings. It is a symbol of royal and divine strength in Egypt. The way the artist makes these people look doesn’t seem to be as if he was trying to make anyone in the paintings look too idealized. There are no apparent abstractions that throw your focus to any particular piece of the work too strongly. The location of this particular piece of art was a bit secluded. I realized that after we broke off as a group at the Met when I, as well as two of my classmates practically got lost trying to retrace our steps back to the artwork. It was a very dark, empty location of the Ancient Egypt section. I am guessing the darkness intended to put focus on the funerary element of the work, as well as other works around it. Next to the Funerary Nany was the Tomb of Meritamen and Nany’s Funerary Papyri, both of which seem to have correlations with this Nany piece. So it seems that they put related people and objects around each other, to keep everything orderly and relevant in the museum. In conclusion, there are many factors that play into each and every detail put into works of art like this. These details painted a picture for me in my formal analysis of the work and tell a lot about how the piece was made and why. Ancient Egyptians had a meaning for everything they put in the Book of the Dead and all of their art. Each symbol they used had a significant impact on their life and beliefs. In their art, there are connections between many different paintings and texts that relate to each other, and all draw back to a common belief and way of life in Egypt. I am not exactly sure why I chose to analyze The Book of the Dead over the rest of the pieces of art. I think that just when I looked at my options, I felt I had more to say about this piece of work than any of the others. I saw a story in it. I felt I could talk about it clearer and understand it more than the other pieces, and that is what I believe ultimately led to my decision. Sources: Andrews, Carol, and Raymond O. Faulkner. The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990. Budge, E A. W. The Book of the Dead: The Hieroglyphic Transcript of the Papyrus of Ani. New York, N. Y: Carol Pub. Group, 1990. Wilkinson, Richard. Reading Egyptian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture (London: Thames and Hudson, 1992). ——————————————- [ 1 ]. Carol Andrews and Raymond Faulkner, The Ancient Book of the Dead (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990), 16-17. [ 2 ]. E. A. Budge, The Book of the Dead: The Hieroglyphic Transcript of the Papyrus of Ani (New York: Carol Pub. Group, 1990), 3-4. [ 3 ]. Budge, Book of the Dead, ix. [ 4 ]. Andrews and Faulkner, Anc ient Book of the Dead, 14. [ 5 ]. Budge, Book of the Dead, 240. [ 6 ]. Richard Wilkinson, Reading Egyptian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture (London: Thames and Hudson, 1992), 75. How to cite Book of the Dead, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

John Donne free essay sample

Born in a catholicfamily -Married Anne Moore in secret in 1601 -Converted to Anglican Church, became an Anglican priestand a dean at St. Paul -Two sides of his character: Jack Donne/ Dr. John Donne As the passionate lover he was always analytic, thoughtful, trying to dissect and explain his passion almost scientifically. As the divine, he approached God with the passion he had formerly shown to women : he addresses Christ with the fierceness of a lover. -Startling, invigorating and curiously modern 2. His Poetry -Not published after his death Ranges from fervent love poetry to powerful religious poetry -Tone: passionate, sensualandintellectual -Classified as Metaphysical Poetry : far-fetched comparison[ conceit ] Reacts against the traditional amorous poems of courtly love -Techniques : extreme comparisons[ conceits ], puns, paradoxes, obscurity, exaggeration -Demands an imaginative effort from the reader 2)Metaphysical Poets -A group of Britishlyric poets of the 17thcentury -Share wit, inventiveness, subtle argumentations, and the metaphysical conceits -The term was first applied to the 17th century poetry in 1693 by John Dryden He[Donne] affects Metaphysics, . We will write a custom essay sample on John Donne or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . . n his amorous verses, where natureonly should reign; and perplexes the minds of the fair sex with nice speculations of philosophy, when he should engage their hearts. Dryden disapproved of Donnes stylistic excesses, particularly his extravagant conceits (or witty comparisons) and his tendency towards hyperbolic abstractions. Reacts against the 16th century verse [smooth and sweet stylevs. energetic, uneven and rigorous style] The clicheto this point had been bleeding hearts, lips like cherries, cheeks like roses, Cupids shooting arrows of love. -Brought back to life in 20th century by T. S. Eliots essay The Metaphysical Poets(1921) T.S. Eliot argued that their work fuses reason with passion and that it shows a unification of thought and feeling. -John Donne, George Herbert, Richard Lovelace, Andrew Marvell 3)Conceits (Metaphysical Conceits) -An elaborate metaphorthat offers a surprising or unexpected comparison between two seemingly highly dissimilar things ex) Donnes famous metaphysical conceit is comparing two departing loversto a compass. Through the strange, but fitting comparison, he tries to capture the idea that as one lover, or compass leg, moves further away, the one remaining stationary will lean and hearkenâ€Å" after it. The idea of circle is important too. Circles have all sorts of symbolic meanings : eternity, completeness, and perfection to name a few. -The metaphysical conceit can strike from our minds the same spark of recognition that the poet had, and can give us an understanding of a real but previously unsuspected similarity that is enlightening. It can speak to both our minds and our emotions with a great force. (C. Hugh Holman, A Handbook to Literature) -Dr. Samuel Johnsons description of a conceit : the most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together Dr Johnson obviously disliked the metaphysical conceit. And healso mentioned that a reader is seldom pleased with it. 4)Dramatic Monologue (? Dramatic Lyric) 1. Dramatic Monologue -A type of lyric poem perfected by Robert Browningin his My Last Duchess. -Features a. a speaker utters the entire poem in a specific situation at a critical moment to an implied auditor b. theres a gap between what the speaker says and what he actually reveals about his character 2. Dramatic Lyrics : The focus of interest is primarily on the speakers elaborately ingenious argument, rather than on the character John Donne free essay sample As the passionate lover he was always analytic, thoughtful, trying to dissect and explain his passion almost scientifically. As the divine, he approached God with the passion he had formerly shown to women : he addresses Christ with the fierceness of a lover. -Startling, invigorating and curiously modern 2. His Poetry -Not published after his death Ranges from fervent love poetry to powerful religious poetry -Tone: passionate, sensualandintellectual -Classified as Metaphysical Poetry : far-fetched comparison[ conceit ] -Reacts against the traditional amorous poems of courtly love -Techniques : extreme comparisons[ conceits ], puns, paradoxes, obscurity, exaggeration Demands an imaginative effort from the reader 2)Metaphysical Poets -A group of Britishlyric poets of the 17thcentury -Share wit, inventiveness, subtle argumentations, and the metaphysical conceits -The term was first applied to the 17th century poetry in 1693 by John Dryden He[Donne] affects Metaphysics, . . . n his amorous verses, where natureonly should reign; and perplexes the minds of the fair sex with nice speculations of philosophy, when he should engage their hearts. We will write a custom essay sample on John Donne or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dryden disapproved of Donnes stylistic excesses, particularly his extravagant conceits (or witty comparisons) and his tendency towards hyperbolic abstractions. -Reacts against the 16th century verse [smooth and sweet stylevs. energetic, uneven and rigorous style] The clicheto this point had been bleeding hearts, lips like cherries, cheeks like roses, Cupids shooting arrows of love. Brought back to life in 20th century by T. S. Eliots essay The Metaphysical Poets(1921) T.S. Eliot argued that their work fuses reason with passion and that it shows a unification of thought and feeling. -John Donne, George Herbert, Richard Lovelace, Andrew Marvell 3)Conceits (Metaphysical Conceits) -An elaborate metaphorthat offers a surprising or unexpected comparison between two seemingly highly dissimilar things ex) Donnes famous metaphysical conceit is comparing two departing loversto a compass. Through the strange, but fitting comparison, he tries to capture the idea that as one lover, or compass leg, moves further away, the one remaining stationary will lean and hearkenâ€Å" after it. The idea of circle is important too. Circles have all sorts of symbolic meanings : eternity, completeness, and perfection to name a few. -The metaphysical conceit can strike from our minds the same spark of recognition that the poet had, and can give us an understanding of a real but previously unsuspected similarity that is enlightening. It can speak to both our minds and our emotions with a great force. (C. Hugh Holman, A Handbook to Literature) -Dr. Samuel Johnsons description of a conceit : the most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together Dr Johnson obviously disliked the metaphysical conceit. And healso mentioned that a reader is seldom pleased with it. 4)Dramatic Monologue (? Dramatic Lyric) 1. Dramatic Monologue -A type of lyric poem perfected by Robert Browningin his My Last Duchess. -Features a. a speaker utters the entire poem in a specific situation at a critical moment to an implied auditor b. theres a gap between what the speaker says and what he actually reveals about his character 2. Dramatic Lyrics : The focus of interest is primarily on the speakers elaborately ingenious argument, rather than on the character